India's star shuttler and 2022 Commonwealth Games gold medallist Lakshya Sen on Wednesday urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Anurag Thakur and Minister of External Affairs S Jaishankar to resolve the visa issues to enable him to take part in Japan and China Opens. The World no 17 Lakshya said his team applied for visa on October 10 but still has not received it.
I have to travel to Japan & China Open on Sat. Me and my team applied for Japan visa on 30/10/23. We still haven't got the visa. I have to apply for a China visa as well.
— Lakshya Sen (@lakshya_sen) November 8, 2023
Urgent request for visa for myself, my coach and physio. Please help @ianuragthakur Sir @PMOIndia @meaindia1
"I have to travel to Japan & China Open on Sat. Me and my team applied for a Japan visa on 30/10/23. We still haven't got the visa. I have to apply for a China visa as well. Urgent request for visa for myself, my coach and physio. Please help @ianuragthakur Sir @PMOIndia @meaindia1," Lakshya posted on X (formerly Twitter).
China Masters will be held from November 21 to 26 in Shenzhen.
In November, India's badminton talents will compete in a number of competitions. Many shuttles will participate in Japan Masters from November 14 to 19 and China Masters from November 21 to 26.
Lakshya has been a part of history creating the Indian men's badminton team in the Asian Games.
However, he last participated in the French Open 2023 Lakshya suffered defeat in the men's singles event.
The World no 17 lost to Arnaud Merkle of France, 44th in the badminton rankings, 21-15, 21-18 in a match that lasted for 54 minutes on the badminton courts at the Glaz Arena.