The Indian cricket team, after beating New Zealand in their Cricket World Cup 2023 clash on Sunday, is enjoying some time off, with the next match scheduled to be held against England on October 29. From trekking adventures to taking baths in ice-cold Himalayan water, Indian players and support staff have been enjoying themselves in the mountains. India batter KL Rahul shared a few pictures from one such adventure where he, head coach Rahul Dravid, and batting coach Vikram Rathour could be seen taking a dip in the river.
India's last World Cup match was held at the HPCA Stadium in Dharamsala, unarguably one of the most beautiful cricketing venues in the world. While India's next assignment is in Lucknow, it seems like a few of the players haven't left Dharamsala yet.
"Nothing beats nature's ice dip," KL Rahul captioned the pictures he shared on social media. From one of the pictures, it was clear that even Dravid truly enjoyed the adventure.
nothing beats natures ice dip
— K L Rahul (@klrahul) October 25, 2023
Earlier, Dravid could be seen going on a trekking trip with some of India's support staff to Triund, a place near Dharamsala.
"Superb view coming here after Triund just getting here up the mountains and climbing it is a challenging trek I must admit it. Unfortunately, we can't bring the boys up here it is too risky walking on the stones but hopefully when one of the days boys are not working they get to experience this," head coach Dravid said in a video posted by BCCI on X (formerly Twitter).
India's batting coach Vikram Rathour talked about his experience and said, "When you are climbing up the last trek is a little tricky the last half hour is hard but the moment the view opens up it is worth it."
A few more days of break before the Indian players head to Lucknow for a highly-anticipated clash against defending champions England.