Harsha Bhogle, who is known as the 'Voice of Cricket', informed on Thursday that he is down with a bout of dengue fever. Bhogle revealed that he won't be in the commentary box for the World Cup 2023 clash between arch-rivals India and Pakistan in Ahmedabad on Saturday. Bhogle took to his official handle on social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to confirm the development. The 62-year-old also thanked his co-commentators and the broadcast team for taking the extra workload after he withdrew the second innings of the India vs Australia match in Chennai, citing health concerns.
On his return to the commentators' box, Bhogle added that he hopes to return to commentary duty for India's match against Bangladesh on October 19 in Pune.
"I am disappointed at having to miss out on #IndiavsPak on the 14th. But I have dengue and the resultant weakness, and lowered immunity, will make it impossible. I am hoping to be back in time for the game on the 19th. My colleagues, and the broadcast crew, have been very helpful (and took on the extra workload during the second half of #IndiaVsAus) and I look forward to saying thank you to them in person," Bhogle posted on X.
I am disappointed at having to miss out on #IndiavsPak on the 14th. But I have dengue and the resultant weakness, and lowered immunity, will make it impossible. I am hoping to be back in time for the game on the 19th. My colleagues, and the broadcast crew, have been very helpful...
— Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha) October 12, 2023
India, on Wednesday, made mincemeat of the Afganistan bowlers on course to a dominant 8-wicket win.
The win, coupled with its victory over 5-time champions Australia in their campaign opener, would put the hosts in a good space ahead of the weekend clash with Pakistan.
(With ANI Inputs)